29 June, 2010

ARTICLE 84 of the "Bro Code"

Article 84 of the "Bro Code" states: A Bro shall stop whatever he's doing and watch Die Hard if it's on TV. - Ditto The Shawshank Redemption -Also Top Gun, The Big Lebowski, and the first half of Full Metal Jacket.

My question is this: Is this list extensive enough? Has the hallowed Code of Bro's accurately and fully covered the list of movies worthy of full stoppage of any and all activities, or is this Article in need of amendment?

-El Tigre Gringo (Creighton)

Author's note: the "Bro Code" is the governing body of laws, much like the Constitution, that provides men with all the rules they need to know in order to become a bro and behave properly among other bros. With the helpful articles and life altering lessons, the Bro Code will help any ordinary guy become the best Bro he can possibly be.

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